Thursday 7 April 2011

Complete Magazine

After many alternation, my magazine is finally complete. My blog shows the progresion of my magazine, and the devleopment from changing the focal image to the style of font for my masthead. I am pleased with the end product, and I have tried my hardest to use all the same convention as a real published magazine.

Focal Image

The image below represents how I did the focal image. The image I use was from the photo shoot we did. I ended this image using a programme called, 'Photoshop' It is a simple way to edit pictures. As you can see I edited the eyes to all white, I thought that having no pupil in the eye would he so eerie and scary, this would automatically suggest it is a horror to my audience as it is so unsual. As you can see, I got a matching colour to the white of the eye and simply painted over the pupil in white, below shows you part of that process. I also played around with the colour, making it sharper and brighter. I mainly made the picture more clearer and sharper, but also I tried to make is darker, to make the genre shout out at the audience.

The masthead is the brand recognition. If my magazine was published monthly, the masthead would be something is it keep the same, so the buyer would recognise it in a shop next to several other film magazines. The masthead is something which stands out on my magazine, it is an important convention which I believe should be striking.

Colour Pallet
For the colour scheme, They have concentrated on my target audience. This magazine is aimed at both male and female and therefore they have  chosen  colours relevant to both sexes so therefore I have chosen the colours, white, black, grey and red.
My Magazine colour scheme is relating to the genre of my trailer, Horror. The black, grey represents the death and evil, the red represents blood and vulnerability and the white associates with Innocence.

Sky line
The skyline is the text which is above the mast head. ‘The fresh guide to films!’ When researching into movie magazines most of the magazine I looked at had a skyline and therefore I thought it would be appropriate to include

It is a convention which highlight an attraction to lure. My main attractions are the ‘WIN!’ and ‘FREE’ from my audience feedback I learnt that some people only buy magazines for the pug or they prefer that magazines have free things included in the magazine. I used bold capital letters to mate my pugs stand out.

Sell lines
This convention focuses on what the magazine includes. The sell lines are something which lures the target audience in. It picks to key parts o f the magazine which the audience will be interested in reading and advertising it on the cover. I used Bold lettering using the words ‘PLUS!’ and ‘EXCLUSIVE’ to attract the audience.

Anchorage Text
This is part of the cover which explains the focal image. For my anchorage text is says’ The Innocent’ I thought that it would be prominent to use the title do my trailer, I thought this was good idea because people will recognise the title of the trailer and link it to when they saw the trailer or the poster etc. I also have anchorage text saying  “Scariest movie since the exorcist” I thought that if I had a quote included on my cover, it is like word of mouth, people will think well someone thinks its good, i’ll have to go to see this movie.

Barcode and Price
The Barcode is placed at the bottom, I put it at the bottom on my magazine as I think it isn't one of the most important conventions of a magazine. It is hard to see from the picture but I also have the price of my magazine next to it. The Price is something that shouldn’t be advertised and stand out, I think this because I think the audience should be attracted to the magazine rather than considering the price.


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